Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just a few random ones at the end

Here is a picture of Mike in his new t-shirt. He got it for his birthday and he looks shockingly handsome in it. A picture of the nice sleeping Samuel. We like him like that. Today when he should have been sleeping Lene went to check on him and he had managed to turn 180 degrees in his bed and had also turned to his stomach - and was very wide awake.
On the last picture Lene tried to answer a question a lot of people ask her: What do you do during the day? Here is the answer - Samuel and 5 loads of laundry!

1 comment:

mirjam said...

Hi Lene, I now you don't know me, but I check in every now and so often since I know Mike from a long time ago....I got Ethan (my husband) that same shirt a few years ago and he also looks so good in it. He oves that shirt so much that he has taken better care of it than any other piece of clothing he owns. Recently I found a matching wallet, that he also owns now.... BTW multiply your laundry by three and then you are in the middle of my life...