Monday, April 26, 2010

About mr. Samuel

Isn't it weird how some things seem to stay the same.

"I want that camera, mom. I want it!"

"Why won't she let me have the camera, dad? I just don't understand. Why?"

"Mom, please. I promise to be good. I just want to have a quick, tiny, tiny look at the camera. Please?

It just doesn't change.

This kid will end up with severe camera-traumas! Maybe I should start saving up for his therapy sessions.


The Evensens said...

Ok, alt er som det plejer... lige bortset fra 1 ting. Jeg kan IKKE tro at hr. Brandt (altså den store af dem) tillader en grøn skammel i hans sofa. Jeg er meget forvirret. Min verden er af lave.

emma said...

Maybe it would be cheaper to save up for a camera for him!