Saturday, November 13, 2010

Getting really cozy ...

So often things happen in my house to which I have absolutely no explanation. I believe that the recent "bowls in bathtub" incident is a good example of that.

And might I also add that the amount of those incidents have greatly increased after I had childen. I am not pointing fingers at anyone. Just making an observation ...

When I came into the livingroom the other day and saw this -

I was ready to add this to the list of unexplainables.

My husband on all four on the couchtable, bum pointing up? Maybe I should even add it to a list of "I'd really rather not know".

However, for once there was an explanation.

Mike was reading a book with Samuel who was very comfortable underneath the couchtables.

It looked so cozy I was wanting to squeeze in there too. I think it must be pretty nice to be a small person all cuddled up, great litterature and the undivided attention and love of a parent. I hope he feels that way too.

1 comment:

The Evensens said...

ih, det ser altså hyggeligt ud. Det er sådan jeg har det når jeg ser Adam i voksi-posen - helt pakket ind i og lun ude i barnevognen.. så får jeg virkelig også lyst til at hoppe ned og hygge sammen med ham.