Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Last night I woke up by the sound of Samuel crying. Magnus woke up too, and while I calmed him down, Mike went to investigate what had happened to Samuel.

That was one unhappy boy.

From our bedroom, all I could make out was Mikes words "all over your bed" and my mind went over the possibilities of things that could be all over his bed; Pee, poo or stomach content! Neither too appealing.

After a minute or so, where I was just waiting for Mike to call for help, he finally returned with a red-eyed Samuel on his arm.

Mike wasn't saying "all over your bed", but "out of your bed". Yup, at 3.33 am Samuel had apparently fallen out of his bed which woke him up, quite naturally I might add.

He spent the rest of the night sleeping between us, safely protected from the abyss by his two parents.

When I put him down for his nap today, he kept talking about falling out of his bed, and I honestly understand how that might be a horrific thought - been there, done that, got the bruises. So I've put two big duvets and a huge pile of pillows right next to his bed. I think he might even be more comfortable if he were to roll out of his bed now.

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