Wednesday, January 12, 2011


is Magnus' birthday.

Even though Samuel claims it is his birthday. There have been a few discussions on that topic lately. I have the feeling we might have to discuss it again tomorrow once or twice.

I wrapped the gifts, put up flags and decorated the chairs with balloons. We normally put on a special tablecloth when it is a birthday here at our house, but knowing our two children it seems like a bad idea. It would survive a total of 36 seconds before it would be ready for the washing machine. So I haven't put it on, and quite frankly I feel like a bit of a bad mother for it. I mean, what kind of mother keeps the birthday table cloth from her own little son?

Don't answer that!

Today was Magnus last day as a 0 year old boy. He enjoyed it thoroughly. He got his first birthday gift and the look of excitement on his face was amazing. He was absolutely overjoyed. But how can you also not love a box of Lego with a farmer and a pig?

I even got a little bit excited, but Lego tends to do that for me.

I might as well reveal that a few of Magnus other birthday packages also contains Lego, and also one of the gifts for Samuel.

Yes, Samuel is also getting gifts tomorrow. We decided that our lives were too short not to give him gifts tomorrow - especially as he do believe it is his birthday. There are only two though, but we hope that will be enough to keep him entertained.

I can't believe that Magnus is already turning 1. I've called him "My big boy" all day today. He really no longer is a little baby. I almost miss that. Almost.

I think he is the perfect age right now. He is so cuddly and sweet and amazing. Now that he is well again, he is all smiles and laughter, and I can't help but smile when I am around him.

It is intereting how I always seem to think that the age they have right now is the perfect age. I also feel that way with Samuel. Right now he is in the best age ever. And he really is.

Will I also feel like that when they become teenagers? Or move out, get married and have their own children?


Hmm, I think I better go to bed so I am ready for my BIG boy's BIG day tomorrow. And well, according to  Samuel, then it is his big day too.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Tillykke med fødselsdagen, Mau! Hurra! Flag! Hurra!

Og tillykke med den imaginære fødselsdag, Samuel!

Håber I allesammen får en strålende dag:-)