Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My child - the genius

I know the title of this post sort if gives it away, so maybe I should just skip my rambling of how awesome my big boy is and just go straight to the actual incident and the accompagning picture.

But ... My child is a CREATIVE GENIUS!

Okay, I just needed to get a little rambling out of my system. Moving on.

This morning Samuel came into the room and announced that he had drawn a man with two eyes, two ears, two legs and two arms.

This is his second attempt at drawing a person in half a year or so, so I was quite curious to see what he had come up with. Normally he just draws cars. Cars, cars, cars!

Anyway he then showed me this picture.

I am officially in love with it.

I can actually see what it is. The two huge eyes - Samuel pointed out that it was one tiny eye and one big eye. I am not sure I would call it tiny, but Samuel only operates with tiny and big. I am working on teaching him little, but he remains unimpressed.

Over the eyes you see the lovely ears poking out and naturally a little hair on top. Kinda looked like my hair this morning, thank you very much.

Next to the eyes you have the arms and at the bottom are his feet or legs. The artist have not revealed why the man is inside a bubble, so that is up to your own imagination.

And this, my friends, is great art! 

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