He has helped me with more homework than I care to remember, including a course in boring law, Danish essays and even latin. And more than once has he thrown whatever he had in his hands to come to my rescue before an exam, when I was tired and exhausted or when I needed a dad.
I remember one evening when I was a teenager. That particular day I had a long list of things to do and I knew I would be home late. However, I also had to bake a cake for school the following day. That day had me pretty stressed out.
When I stepped into the house that evening, there was a sweet smell of cake. When I looked into the kitchen I saw that someone had known of my stressed day and had baked the cake for me.
I went upstairs to find my mother, who explained to me that she couldn't bear that I had to stand there late in the evening and bake a cake. At that time my mother was rather sick and she wasn't able to do it herself, so she enlisted the help of my dad.
I can just imagine the two of them in the kitchen. My mother sitting on a chair, with her worn out cookbook in her lap, guiding my father through what I can only presume is the first and last cake he has ever baked. Somehow it is so easy to imagine the two of them there. I can almost hear the conversation between them : ) For me that was truly a labour of love.
My mother has been dead for 10 years now, and in many ways things have changed. My father is now also a grandfather to my children and we are navigating our way through that, figuring out the ins and outs of his new role.
We are doing good at it.
He just got a year pass to the Zoo and we went there the other day. As you can tell by the pictures my kids are pretty smitten by my dad, and they love it when he carries them, plays with them and builds Lego with them.
I am so happy my dad is my dad. I couldn't have asked for anyone better.
Oh, and this picture here ...
It hasn't got anything to do with anything, but I think he looks adorable, my cool boy!
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