Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Family

I have no pictures from the last month. We've had tons of visitors, a birthday brunch for yours truly and I must have read approximately half a million books. 
All but one contained pictures of animals. Many, many pictures of animals.

It was due to him. He likes his books and he likes animals. I think 80% of his vocabulary are either animals or animal sounds. And he is a pro with the sounds. My favorites are owl, snake, fish and his most recent one, the wolf.

Oh, and my back is out. So much so that the plane I was supposed to board this afternoon to go to Germany to celebrate the birthday of my mother-in-law and the wedding of my brother-in-law is leaving without me. I cannot sit down. Yes, I am ticked off.

Mike and the kids are staying home too. I am sad that they don't get to go. I know Samuel loves the airplanes, and I know they would have loved to go visit friends and family. I would have loved for them to go - not just for them, but also a little bit for me. Can you imagine a full 5 days with no kids?

Can you imagine the possibilities? The sleep? The relaxation for my back?

All the icecream I could eat ... no wait, this is just a picture of one reward Samuel got during the his potty training.Which is by the way going excellent!

But returning to the topic. So this weekend Mike is going to Germany, leaving me alone with the kids. Slightly bitter yes. But fortunately it is my sisters birthday and I have lured her over with promises of brunch, great company and excellent activities. The brunch is true, but I am not sure about the great company nor the interesting activities. I guess that depends on how much you enjoy reading books about animals with Magnus. Maybe she should be the one being slightly bitter ... but at least brunch will be good.

But my back is getting better and better and I can now sit down for short periods during the day, which mean I no longer have to eat my entire meal standing up. Another revelation is that I can put my own boots on now. Well, at least the ones without laces.

Okay, so those of you who were saying you missed my blogging, do you still feel the same way after a whole slightly bitter post about my back. However, the pictures and the kids on them are pretty fine, so maybe it is good after all!

And finally Happy Birthday Siegrit. We all really wished we were on the plane!

1 comment:

Mona said...

I LOVE bitter blogs! They are funny...