Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Lego Tower!

There has been a shocking turn of events today.

Samuel have deserted his trusted Lego in favor of his new Brio Train track. He is smitten with that track and the small trains. Oh, the small trains! Some of the trains were standing on a table next to his bed while he took his midday nap - just so he could still keep an eye on them.

During Samuels nap Mike got out another package of train tracks and built an even bigger track. The package also contained an additional 6 trains.

When Samuel saw it he nearly hyperventilated. I think today could very well have been the best day of his life!

And so while Samuel is busy learning to say "Chugga chugga chugga" (that is what a train says, you know?) and driving his new train around and around, the Lego sits alone in the playcorner. Neglected. Forgotten.

But no more. This post is dedicated to Lego and to Samuels and my recent triumph.

Because we actually build a tower using every single of his Lego Bricks.

Ah, yes! It was a great day.

Our first attempt at tower building.

Samuel later knocked it over with the swing. I am not going to lie to you. That actually hurt.

The day after we had an early lunch, and then we all assembled in the play area and got to work.

Or well, Magnus was mostly doing this ...

Looking cute.

Whenever he actually managed to grab a Lego brick, he would chew on it until Samuel came and pulled it out of his mouth. Not really any big help.

Halfway through ...

Who on earth gave this kid that many lego bricks?

Oh, and by the way, this spider

Samuel figured out you can take the legs of, and the body is hollow. When Samuel realised this he immediately filled up the body with crushed biscuits and put the legs back on.

Where does he get ideas like that from? Filling up the inside of a Lego spider with crushed biscuits? Why?

We finally finished - and I use the term 'we' pretty losely since Samuel had long since lost interest in the project.

Behold the pretty, pretty tower.


You know you are a stay-at-home mum when you get this excited about a Lego tower. But since my cucumbers have all grown up and moved out (or well, been eaten) I need another passion in my life. And a Lego tower can apparently easily fill that void.

And so a few close ups of my new passion.

I love Lego towers

However, it seems I have to start loving Brio Train Tracks too, but that is okay. I am sure there is room enough in my heart for both.

But for now,

Lene Brandt, Professional Lego Builder

... I think I might just need to get out some more

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