Saturday, September 4, 2010

Changing colors

Last weekend we visited a Vegetable Fair. We had a great day tasting new dishes, buying herbs and all kinds of vegetables. Samuel even ate two carrots. Something that have never happened before, and I fear it will never happen again. But still. My child ate vegetables. It was a great day for me!

Anyhow, one of the vegetables we bought were purple Ditta potatoes.

Purple potatoes! If you could get them with glitter in, it would be pure princess food.

Sparkly potatoes! There is something the food industry should consider. Can you just imagine the potential of sparkly food? Or if you could get car-shaped vegetables Samuel might actually eat that.

Sorry about the randomness here. But I guess that is what you can expect when you write a post about potatoes. My brain just had a small meltdown.

Moving on. This is what I made with them.

Purple mash potatoes. You don't see that vey often.

It was very tasty though. Mike and me both enjoyed it. Samuel had none obviously. Magnus had his own salt-free version and seemed to enjoy it too. But I guess anything must be delicious in comparison with his normal buckwheat- or cornporridge.

Poor kid!

The following day I wanted to warm up the remaining mash in the oven and to prevent it from getting to dry, I brushed it with a raw egg.

Brilliant idea, right?


It still tasted nice, it was just a little disturbing. Actually Magnus' porridge looked better right then.

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