Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Baking day

This Saturday we had some of our favorite people over for a day of tasty food, good conversation and excellent crafting.

After all when you call it a 'crafting day' there should be a little crafting involved.

Chef Samuel

And so, while Magnus went down for his morning nap, chef Samuel and me headed out to the kitchen to bake goodies for our guests.

Maple syrup scones. You can't go wrong!

Essential part of baking - cutting nails of little person and removing my wedding ring. There is no special purpose for the purple play dough in the background, in case anyone is wondering.

Samuel did the stirring, and I measured all the ingredients. I found that it works best like that. But next time Mike should probably vacuum the kitchen floor when we're done baking, since Samuel is quite an enthusiastic stirrer.

When the dough was finished, it was time for Samuels handywork.

Natural talent!

Chef Samuel.

Even the best chefs can be a little shy.

Samuel then helped put the flours and sugar back, and then he put a load of laundry on.

That kid is very efficient.

The scones were tasty, and Samuel and me both enjoyed making them. Next time I'll use real cookie cutters in different shapes - and I'll probably read the recipe more thoroughly, so I don't add the egg to the dough, but use it to brush the scones with instead.

That would probably make them better.

Oh, and I would take a picture of the baked scones too.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Og de var gode! Hurra for scones og polkadots!