Monday, October 18, 2010

The Mini-move

I just have a few things to say. I am too tired to do any more than that.

Because it seems that while the concept of a mini-move is really great, then it still means a lot of work. I am thinking that instead of a mini-move we should call it a medium-move at least.

We spent 6 hours at Ikea last Saturday. We brought the kids with us. At the end everyone was exhausted, and I was even beginning to question my lifelong love of Ikea.

6 hours! That could make you question most things.

Today we spent a good portion of the day assembling the newly acquired furniture, moving old furniture to new places, and moving, reorganizing, fixing, packing, tidying, sorting, stacking, folding, putting away a ton of things.

But we are not even halfway done.

But so far it looks good, really good.

Maybe we can even call it a Large-move. It definitly feels a little bigger than a mini-move.


Maria said...

6 timer? Så er det en maxi-move - og måske endda en MAXI-move.

Billeder, tak:-)

The Evensens said...

uh det er lang tid. Men glæder mig til at se billeder fra det nye hjem.