Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Finally ...

Today Magnus finally seemed like his usual charming self. He sat on the floor on his own, played with his toys, smiled and crawled around for a while.

The last few weeks he's been more or less glued onto me, so this is big stuff. I feel relieved to be able to preform my everyday tasks again, but also a little redundant. But mostly relieved!

Today was a quiet day like the last few weeks, and even though I've enjoyed it, I am also so ready for something to happen. Just getting a bottle of milk is exciting for me at the moment!

Tomorrow we are visiting a mother who used to be in my day-care group. Her daughter and Samuel are super buddies. Hopefully this will be the first of many days with cool adventures, good company, and fun activities!

2011 - we are ready for you now! (Yes, better late than never)


The Evensens said...

Ih, godt at høre at bette-manden er ved at være på toppen igen. Håber 2011 byder på mere end blot mælke-hentning. hyg jer - knus

Maria said...

Jeg synes nu det var ganske inspirerende, at du hentede mælk i går:-)