Saturday, April 30, 2011

Please excuse us ...

but we've been busy lately!

We're using loads of sunlotion, having lunch outside, sand in our shoes, pants and everywhere else. It's been such a pleasure!

A few days ago I was sitting in the sandbox, sun in my face, toes buried in the warm sand, and two happy boys next to me. It was awesome.

However, I couldn't help but think back a few months to snowy and cold days with a sick little boy and a restless bigger brother, a time where I more than once considered my career choice - or non-career choice. It was not among my best moments.

I really wish I could have seen what was ahead of me. It would have made it easier. Because these days are really worth the long, hard days and even longer sleepless nights.

I love seeing the boys play together, like yesterday where Samuel was riding a little plastic scooter and asked that I put Magnus on the trailer so he could drive him. I did, and watched as Samuel ever so carefully drove his little brother around in our garden. Samuel was so proud he could do it, and Magnus looked like the happiest boy in the world. It was one of those moments that you want to keep in your heart forever.

We had a lot of those lately!

Like visiting with my dad and Conni and all the steplings (my stepsisters and stepbrother)

Annemarie, Charlotte, Samuel and Mike rocking at a nature playground.
Taking the train out into the world with my sister and the rest of my family. I love seeing her and Samuel together. They looked out the window and discussed important matters. I am so grateful for all the love that my children are shown.

My sister - she might just be the worlds coolest!

Two of the steplings testing Samuels scooter on a beautiful spring day in the forest. 

Jacob trying to steer and Astrid pushing.

Being deep in conversation and suddenly looking up at my dad to see this beautiful vision. I so know where I got my weirdness from. Totally!

My dad testing Samuels hat.
And this little boy ... this little boy ... Oh, gosh, this is a big one. In order to understand the magnitude of what I am about to say, you need to know that we live on the 5th floor with no lift. I repeat No Lift! And this little boy is now able to crawl up all the stairs himself.

When I sat him down on the ground and just watched him crawl full speed up the stairs, I nearly shed a tear. For two reasons - one because he is suddenly so big and non-baby like, and - two  from sheer relief.

Another thing that is going on in his life is teething. He got his 8th tooth while we were in Germany last year in September. Ever since we've been waiting for the rest of the teeth to come. Apart from sore gums every once in a while nothing have happened.

But it seems like tooth no. 9 is finally making it's way into the world. And if the amount of drool is any indicator then it is popping up soon and more are just around the corner.

This kid is not just drooling. It is like a river running out of him. Almost to the point of being a bit impressive.

Going to the zoo with good friends and seeing these cozy creatures.

And having lunch on this platform, surrounded by an ostrich and kangaroos. This beats any cafeteria I've ever been to.

Samuel is still completely cool without his pacifier and never brings it up. I am surprised at how easy it was. Magnus has started walking a few steps here and there and will even walk a few meters, when we hold his hands. So we may soon have two walking boys, one of them uses a paficier, but both are cute as can be.

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