Thursday, June 2, 2011

And mr Magnus too - with updates!

You know what? I have been busy. I really have.

Such hard work to sit all night and watch films and ignore the laundry, the dishes and the general mess in our house. It have been quite hard, but I am sure that as I work at it, I will get better. More films for me, please!

As you can tell I am positively quite exhausted.

Would you like to know what else is going on in the Brandt house? I can tell you do.

So Mikes birthday is coming up soon, and seeing as the only thing on his wishlist year after year is t-shirts from G Star Raw, size Medium, I have done something new.

I have formed a task force. The Ultimate Gift Task Force. It sounds pretty good, right? I was in the process of getting us matching t-shirts and maybe even having a theme song composed. However, that was before The Ultimate Gift Task Force failed at its mission. Despite our best efforts, and they really were good those efforts, we failed at securing the Ultimate Gift.


I am still trying to recover from that, and even more important, trying to come up with another Ultimate Gift. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to let me know. If the idea is good, I'll promise you a spot on the Task Force, and I'll look into those matching t-shirts for sure. Is green your color?

And finally, a little something about Magnus.

Have I ever told you that he is the most adorable little boy? Or how much I absolutely love that little person? He is just so darn perfect.

Obviously there should be a picture of Magnus here, but I am too busy too download it - see the top about my busy life watching films. I promise you it is hard work!

Magnus favorite book is a lift-a-flap book about the Old Testament. For some reason he loves the page with Noahs ark. For reasons unknown to me the elephants, the bear, and the dogs are his favorites, closely followed by the goat.

He refused to say or even attemt to say like an elephant, but he does quite an impressive bark and a good moooh. He is working on his cat sound, the cock, and even a fish. It is pretty hilarious. Oh, and his lion is sublime!

As you can tell he is into animals. While Samuel can spot a trailer, a cement mixer or a crane from miles away, Magnus can spot a dog. And while Samuel plays with his car track, his crane or any other thing with wheels on, Magnus is content looking at a book containing pictures of animals, hugging a teddybear, drawing or looking at another book with animals.

Random facts:

He is ticklish, especially his neck and stomach.
He just got his first pair of sandals, size 21.
Today he insisted on wearing Samuels shorts which on him looked like pants, though very wide pants. He still drools like crazy.
When we returned from the zoo today he was only wearing his diaper, a bib and his jacket. Suffice to say we had some sort of "diaper situation".
He absolutely loves strawberries, pineapple and grapes. Melons and apples are okay, and oranges are almost his best friend. He is not quite sure about mango and he refused to try kiwi. I think he might be able to live on a diet consisting entirely of fruit.
Magnus' loves sitting on the kitchen table while I cook. From there he can sample the food that is before him, he can play with all the exciting stuff there and keep an eye on things. And if he gets bored he can throw things on the floor. Today apparently he got bored.

Magnus rules and a picture will come. Just not today because I am so busy.

Maybe tomorrow, seeing as tomorrows dinner appointment fell through. Or at least I guess so. The last message my friend sent me today was "Wish me luck. We are going in soon". And my message to her was something along the lines of "Good luck. You can do it. Press! Press". So hopefully little Graham will be here soon. Maybe I should have said "Get an epidural."

Either way we are so excited for her and her little family and wish them all the best!

Oh, this means I have to fix dinner myself tomorrow. Dang it!


The baby was born that night, apparently in the hospital hallway, head halfway out and so forth. Mother and son are doing great - considering the fact that one just gave birth and the other was just given birth too - and they are home again. I can't wait to hear that birth story ... in the hospital hallway. At least she never needed an epidural.

When I told Mike, she had the baby and was back home, he replied "Oh good, then we can still go over for dinner tonight, right?"

It took me a second or two to register that he was joking!

1 comment:

Do You Think I Am An Automaton said...

I love this post about your cute boys and your extremely busy lifestyle!
Thank you for the delivery thoughts! It is funny what Mike said about dinner at our place because as we were driving home at 2am with our new son just over 4 hours old, Matthew said- I guess we can have the Brandts over for dinner still, right? It was really funny! Let's try next week...