Today we baked cookies. We ate cookie dough. It was heaven. I had a two hour nap. That was heaven once more. We all played outside in the sunshine.
In other words today was an awesome day!
I have no pictures - other than pictures of Samuel and me baking cookies, which will go on my other blog soon. But who would also want to see a picture of me sleeping? I am sure it was not pretty, but it was deep, deep sleep and I loved every minute of it.
If I could that is what I would want for my birthday. Nice long naps, nicely wrapped and maybe with a yellow bow on.
Yesterday we went on an architecture tour. For those who know us well, I do not need to state this, but there might be a few foreigners, who might be mistaken to think this was my idea. It was not. It was Mike, Mike, Mike, all Mike.
He made a list of 6 architectural wonders we had to see here in Copenhagen. My job was to hide my excitement and eagerness ... or not! Of course we brought our kids along for the ride, because that is the kind of parents we are.
Even though the day did not contain any cookies or cookie dough-eating, it was awesome too.
We only saw the one building, which we both fell madly in love with. Somehow we also managed to do the following - watch kayak polo, check out some people doing parkour and agree that our kids are never going to do that, ever, play a little ball, play with our new Giant UFO, see art installation and realise once more that I do not understand art, tour a beautiful and fun building, eat a lovely dinner at a nice cafe, see two cats which was a great moment for Magnus, visit with some sheep - another great moment for Magnus, go through a forrest area, play in a giant, oversized play-ship, see deer grassing, say hi to some more sheep, find a cool druide-like place, cross about 60 streams on funky bridges, take the train twice and the metro once, naturally sitting up front.
I know, it was great!
Because we only saw the one building, there are more architectural tours in the future. However, I doubt that they will even in the smallest be able to measure up to this outing.
Since I did not realise the potential of this tour, I left my camera at home. I know - Big mistake! We walked through this beautiful nature area, the sun was low and the light was fantastic and all I could think was "I wish I brought my camera!"
Mike got some pictures with his iPhone, and as soon as I figure out how, I'll try and get them on here. Look forward to pictures of me with funky hair due to crazy winds.
This coming week I have a birthday party and a wedding to attend, and if the weekend was any indication of the level of awesomeness this week has in store for me, then I am in for a treat!
And I'll bring my camera from now on!
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