Sunday, July 3, 2011

Nothing a pair of rubber boots and a washing machine can't handle

I've been away for a while.

I've baked, attended a birthday party, a wedding, slept an entire day, coughed, laughed, slept some more and coughed a bit more. All in all it was great.

Pictures really should follow - of the cakes, the birthday party, the wedding - not of me sleeping or coughing. That isn't that interesting if I may say so.

Instead I'll post a picture of Magnus because he is pretty much the most awesome kid in the world.

Picture courtesy of Mike and his beloved iPhone

The title of this post you might ask ... we had a small flood yesterday. If there is any such thing as a small flood? The heavens opened and it poured, filling the basement of our apartment building with water. Fortunately most of our things down there was packed away in 3 layers of plastic - thank heaven for a paranoid husband. And the things that did get wet was mainly baby clothes, and that really is nothing a washing machine can't handle.

I am just grateful that we have a wonderful apartment that keeps the rain out, where my babies are safe and cozy, that I have a washing machine and that everyone is happy, healthy and safe.

Life is pretty good, and it has to rain a whole lot more before our 5th floor apartment is in any danger.

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