Thursday, March 15, 2012

Just us

We've hung up a few more things in the kids room ... as if there wasn't enough. It is cosy, though.

At least that is what I tell myself.

The ceiling over Magnus' bed -

The wall behind Samuels bed - there are also postcards (with trains, naturally) and pictures of friends and family.

Magnus is very, very fond of hats. Sometimes that rubs of on Samuel.

Hat buddies.

I don't know what they are doing, but notice the train track behind them. It seems to be in our living room 95% of the time. Some people loves it (Samuel), and some people not so much (me, who constantly trips over it)

And ... this is exciting stuff. Notice how there is normally no pictures of me on the blog. Mostly because I normally take the pictures. However, someone grabbed my camera yesterday and went for it. The result is here.

Me making sausages. Notice the look of excitement in my face. They were also quite yummy.

And for those of you wondering about the setting, then no. This is not our new kitchen, but a kitchen where I took that sausage making course. Because sausage making is immensely important. And very tasty!

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