Thursday, April 12, 2012

Astrids wedding

One of my four babysisters got married last week. I may have mentioned that once or twice before.

Anne and me made a cake for them. You can see it here. My dad almost had a nervous breakdown, and my stepmother made so much food she could have fed an army.

It was awesome.

The groom had one of his friends, Timo, take pictures. Timo is also the mastermind behind the cake pictures on my other blog. He is pretty talented.

However I did not truly appreciate his talentness untill I saw this picture, which he took of the happy couple.

Seriously, it almost makes me want to get married again. To Mike of course. Would that be too weird?

And no, this picture doesn't have anything to do with what I just wrote. But I think it should be shared anyway. My son showing of his new sunglasses.

He got them for easter along with loads and loads of chocolate. And that is a direct quote from Samuel.

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