Sunday, April 15, 2012


I grew up in a family that loved board games, cardgames and so forth. And by loved I mean LOVED! As in my dad imported and sold boardgames. As in ... oh, never mind. We love our games!

So obviously I am trying to pass on this love of boardgames to Samuel. And he seem to be catching on pretty quickly.

For easter we game him Dominoes. He loves it. 

And judging from the cow in the middle of the table, you can tell Magnus was sitting on my lab at some point doing the game.

The last four days Mike have been in Berlin with the students from his school. While he has been away, I found a few more boardgames from my nephews. And so we have been playing My first builder by Lego, and a little game called Kids of Catan. Samuel loves both.

I can see a great future filled with games. I just need for Magnus to grow a little older to participate a little more than just placing a cow here and there.

Game on!

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