Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Who really has time for work?

So my deadline came and went, and I made it. I missed quite a few things, including three Saturdays in a row, where Mike played Mom and Dad rolled up into one and entertained the kids from sun up to sun down.

After handing the final things, I was sent home to sleep, rest and honestly catch up. After three work of working and looking after the kids, a few things had been sliding. We started out with a thorough clean (or semi thorough at least), followed by laundry, grocery shopping and cooking and eating real non-muesli food. It was pretty good.

And now I finally made it so far down my list, that I am ready to blog.

Do I have anything specific to blog about, you might ask?

No, but did that ever stop me before?

Not in the slightest.

And now you were supposed to be overwhelmed by pictures of immensely cute children. But the internet turned on me.

Turns out that I have used to much space. Something with too many pictures. Ha! And now they want me to pay. Pay? To put pictures on my blog?

I am not too sure about that. Not sure how I feel about that. The only thing I know is that it is too late to try and figure anything out now.

So please excuse me while I sleep - and think - and look forward to a picture of Mr. Samuel sleeping, under his sheet. Yes, under it!

And a picture of Magnus being downright adorable, as always!

I will be back!

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